When To Buy And Sell Shares, Rules for Buying Shares, Buy/Sell Time

Shares Buy/Sell News

Shares Buy/Sell News – Today in this post we will know how to buy shares and the rules of buying shares, along with this we will also know what is the method of buying shares and what is the method of selling shares. What should we do to buy and sell shares well and what is the right time to buy shares, let us know when to buy and sell shares.

How To Buy Shares

To buy shares, you must first have a demat account. If you do not have a demat account then you cannot buy shares. If you do not know what is a demat account, then for this you read our post given below.

If you have come to know about demat account and you have processed to open an account, then now it is time to know how to buy and sell shares.

When To Buy And Sell Shares

The finance company or bank with which you open your demat account provides you a software to buy and sell shares on the terminal of the stock market, which can be a website or a mobile app.

Now you just have to go to it and with the help of the money lying in your demat account, you can buy the shares of any company you want to buy.

When you go to the terminal, you have an option in the software. Where you can search the shares of any company. As soon as you go to the company company of that share, you can also see the ups and downs in the share price happening on the same share.

If you have made up your mind to buy shares, then you can place an order to buy shares on the terminal. As soon as someone’s sell order matches with your buy order in the share market, you will get the shares you have bought and money will be deducted from your account.

Time To Buy Shares

The daily stock market opens at 9:15 AM and closes at 3:30 PM. If you want to buy and sell shares in the stock market. So you will have to do the work of buying and selling in the meantime.

There is a fixed time for buying and selling shares in the share market. If you want to buy or sell shares from the share market, then you have to do all the transactions within this specified time. If you do not do the transaction in the specified time, then your Transaction will not be successful

How To Buy Shares / Shares Buy/Sell News

To buy shares, you must first decide which company’s shares you want to buy, once you have decided this, then it will be very easy for you to buy shares. You can buy shares by following the steps given below.

Open Demat Account

First open your demat account and go to the terminal

Search Company

Now search by typing the name of the company whose shares you want to buy.

Select Company

As soon as you get the name of the company, select it

Check Share Price

Now before buying the share, see the ups and downs in the share price of that company, by this you will know that by how much rupees the price of this share has increased in the stock market and by how many rupees it has decreased.

Place Buy Order

The biggest advantage you will get from this is that if you know the minimum price of the stock, then you can leave the buy order at that price.

Buy Share

This will happen that as soon as the price of the share falls, your buy order will be successful and you will get the shares at that price.

Profit in Share

You can place a sell order. In which you can set the price which you have seen before. As soon as the price of your share increases, your shares will be sold and you will get profit.

How To Understand Share Market Chart

Before buying a share, you have to see the history of the share because if you do not see the history of the share, then you will never know whether you can earn your profit by buying or selling that share or not.

Right Time To Buy Shares

Once you come to know about the share price, then you can buy that share at the lowest price and batch it at the maximum price.

The right time to buy shares is at 2:15 PM, at this time there has been a jump in the share price and the share price has also fallen. By this time the stock comes to a stable price.

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Due to which you get information about the ups and downs in the market and you can guess at what price the stock should be bought and at what price it should be sold.

Benefits of Buying Shares

There are many benefits of buying shares, once you buy and keep the shares of a company, you can sell the shares of that company for quadruple and thousand times the price.

Provided that you have bought the shares of the company at a lower price because if you have bought the shares of that company at a higher price and in future the share price of that company has decreased even further, then you may have to suffer loss in such a situation.

That’s why always before buying any share, check its history and find out how much the price of that share always remains and how much its price goes down.

Buy Shares of Which Company

It is a bit difficult to tell which share is worth buying, because due to the changing price every day, every share will be worth buying and if its price increases, you will find that share to be a loss deal. So it depends on you how much profit you want to earn from it.

Because once you have decided that how much profit you want to earn, then you can choose any share based on the same profit calculation which city proves true to your profit calculation. So you can buy it and then sell it later and earn profit.

Nevertheless, if you want to know which stocks are worth buying, then we would like to advise you to invest in Bank Nifty or Sensex.

This will increase your portfolio and if you do not go for the company then you will reduce the loss. You will not need to do so much research on buying Bank Nifty or Sensex and you will be able to earn profits sitting very easily.

Rules For Buying Shares

There are some rules for buying shares, if you follow them, you will be able to buy shares very easily, but if you do not follow the rules for buying shares, then you may suffer losses. You can read our post given below to know the rules of buying shares.

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9:15 AM to 3:30 PM

Now you know when to buy and sell shares and the rules of buying shares, so now you can easily buy shares from the right time of opening of the share market to the time of its closure. Also you have come to know which type of stock is worth buying. So now you can make your profit by buying shares in the share market. If you like this post then share it with your loved ones.

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